It covers loss or damage to the Insured Pedal Cycle and Insured’s legal liability towards any Third party in respect of death, bodily injury & property damage to third party.
Covered Risks
Loss or damage to Pedal cycle by accidental external means, fire lightning explosion, burglary, housebreaking, larceny.
Major Exclusions
Loss/damage while racing, pace making, whilst used for hire or reward, overloading, strain, or mechanical breakdown, theft of accessories unless pedal cycle is stolen at the same time.
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नमस्ते!मैं कृषक मित्र हूँ.मैं आपकी मदद कैसे कर सकता हूं?
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नमस्कार, मी कृषक मित्र आहे. मी आपली कश्याप्रकारे मदत करु शकतॊ?