Cash insurance is a cover which indemnifies the insured against loss of money. Money includes current coin, Bank and currency notes, cheques, postal orders, and current postage stamps. There are four situations where loss is covered.(1) Cover is available for money drawn for the payment of wages, salaries and other earnings or for petty cash in direct transit from the bank to the insured premises.(2) Money other than described in item (1)in the personal custody of the insured or the authorized employees of the insured whilst in direct transit between the premises and the bank or Post Office (3) Money other than described in item (1) collected by and in the personal custody of the Insured or the authorized employees of the insured whilst in transit to the premises or bank within a period not exceeding48 hours from the time of collection (4) Cash (other than described in item (1)) while on the premises during business hours or whilst secured in locked safe or locked strong room on the insured’s premises.
Covered Risks
(i) Robbery, theft / fortuitous act in case of Money in transit.
(ii) Burglary/ Housebreaking/ Robbery/ Holdup while Money is in safe/ premises/ strong room.
Major Exclusion
Shortage of money due to error or omission, loss of money entrusted to any person other than the Insured or an authorized employee of the insured (for full details refer to the policy), Consequential loss,Loss due to war and warlike operations
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