Personnel Department |
Circulars |
Date of Issue | Circular No. | Subject Matter | |
13.01.2021 | Letter dated 13.01.2021 | Appointment on Compassionate ground to dependents of employees retired on medical ground Circular | |
26.12.2019 | HO/Pers/Leave Rules/2019/39/CR-8315 | Treatment of absence of employees if the Office remains closed due to Curfew etc. Circular | |
23.12.2019 | HO/Pers/GMC/2019/38/CR-8314 | Company Contribution for Coverage of Safai Karamcharis (Full Time Sweepers)/Family under Staff GMC following retirement Circular(English) Circular(Hindi) | |
11.12.2019 | HO/Pers/GIS/2019/37/CR-8313 | Renewal of Group Insurance Scheme covering employees of the company w.e.f. 07.12.2019 Circular | |
10.12.2019 | HO/Pers/Education Advance/2019/36/CR-8312 | Collateral Security in Education Advance Scheme. Circular | |
19.11.2019 | HO/Pers/Identity Card/2019/35/CR-8307 | Wearing of Identity Card by the Employees of OICL Circular(English) Circular(Hindi) | |
06.11.2019 | HO/Pers/DA/2019/34/CR-8302 | Dearness Allowance payable to Officers, Development Staff, Supervisory, Clerical and Subordinate Staff w.e.f. 01.11.2019. Circular | |
31.10.2019 | HO/Pers/Leave Rules/2019/33/CR-8301 | Clarification on Paternity Leave Circular(English) Circular(Hindi) | |
30.10.2019 | HO/Pers/leased Accommodation/2019/31/CR-8299 | Clarification on classification of cities for leased accommodation Circular (Eng) Circular (Hindi) | |
22.10.2019 | HO/Pers/CDA/30/2014/CR-8296 | Amendment in Rule 14(1) of The Oriental Insurance Company (Conduct, Discipline and Appeal) Rule, 2014 Circular | |
17.10.2019 | HO/Pers/Pension Amendment Scheme/2019/30/CR-8295 | Administrative Instructions for implementation of the Provisions of General Insurance (Employees') Pension Amendment Scheme-2019 Circular(English) Circular(Hindi) | |
06.09.2019 | - | Guidelines to Curb Practice of obtaining Donations from Contractors or persons having commercial relation with the Organization Circular | |
04.09.2019 | - | selection of officers for deputation to IIP Singapore Notice | |
05.08.2019 | HO/Pers/DA/2019/27/CR-8283 | Dearness Allowance payable to Officers, Development Staff, Supervisory, Clerical and Subordinate Staff w.e.f. 01.08.2019 Circular | |
26.07.2019 | HO/Pers/GTIS/2019/25/CR-8280 | GTIS cover for Serving Employees already covered under Pension Scheme Circular(English) Circular(Hindi) | |
26.07.2019 | HO/Pers/Ex-gratia in lieu of bonus /2017-18/26/cr-8282 | Payment of Ex-gratia in lieu of Bonus to employees for the period ending 31.03.2018 (2017-18) Circular(English) Circular(Hindi) | |
27.06.2019 | HO/Pers/GTIS/2019/24/CR-8277 | Revision in premium under Group Term Insurance Scheme (GTIS) Circular(English) Circular(Hindi) | |
27.06.2019 | All HO departments / ROs / CBUs / OSTCs / DOs / BOs / BCs / (Through respective ROs) | GTIS Cover for Pension Optees under Pension Option 2019 & Employees covered under NPS Notice(English) Notice(Hindi | |
19.06.2019 | HO/Pers/Assistance for Management & Allied Courses/2019/23/CR-8273 | Assistance for taking up Management and Allied courses conducted by Universities Circular(English) Circular(Hindi) | |
19.06.2019 | HO/Pers/Vehicle loan/2019/22/CR-8272 | Two-wheeler Vehicle loan to Class III or IV employees - Review of provisions regarding eligibility service conditions Circular(English) Circular(Hindi) | |
19.06.2019 | HO/Pers/Education Advance/2019/21/CR-8271 | Relaxation in tenure of service for Ex-Servicemen under Employees' Education Advance Scheme Circular(English) Circular(Hindi) | |
19.06.2019 | HO/Pers/Conveyance scheme 9A (V)/2019/20/CR-8270 | Conveyance Scheme 9A (V) - Review of provisions regarding replacement of tyres or tubes Circular(English) Circular(Hindi) | |
19.06.2019 | HO/Pers/Sports Leave/2019/19/CR-8269 | Grant of Special Leave for Sports to 'Coaches' participating in National or International Events Circular(English) Circular(Hindi) | |
17.06.2019 | HO/Pers/ Natural Calamity advance/2019/18/CR-8268 | Natural Calamity Advance - Authority to sanction advance to Regional Incharges Circular(English) Circular(Hindi) | |
14.06.2019 | HO/Pers/staff GMC policy /2019/17/CR - 8267 | Clarification on Mid-Term Inclusion of Newly-wed Spouse and New-born Baby in Staff Group Mediclaim policy Circular (English) Circular (Hindi) | |
30.05.2019 | HO/Pers/Pension Amendment scheme/2019/15/CR-8260 | Annexure / Forms regarding implementation of the Provisions of General Insurance (Employees') Pension Amendment Scheme-2019 Circular | |
22.05.2019 | HO/Pers/Pension Amendment scheme/2019/16/CR-8261 | Nominated Nodal Officers for implementation of General Insurance (Employees’) Pension Amendment Scheme, 2019 Circular(English) Circular(Hindi) | |
17.05.2019 | Final Option for Pension Notice | ||
17.05.2019 | HO/Pers/Pension Amendment scheme/2019/14/CR-8259 | Administrative Instructions for implementation of the Provisions of General Insurance (Employees') Pension Amendment Scheme, 2019 Circular | |
13.05.2019 | HO/Pers/Encashment of EL/2019/13/CR-8256 | Encashment of Earned Leave during the Notice period of Resignation Circular(English) Circular(Hindi) | |
13.05.2019 | HO/Pers/DA/2019/12/CR-8253 | Dearness Allowance payable to Officers, Development Staff, Supervisory, Clerical and Subordinate Staff w.e.f. 01.05.2019 Circular | |
30.04.2019 | - | Final Option for Pension Final Option for Pension Gazette Notification dt.23.04.2019 | |
09.04.2019 | HO/Corp/FSO/2019/CR-8245 | New GL Code 2903 for Payment to outsourced agencies for non-core activities for corp insurance under PMFBY & WBCIS. Circular | |
13.05.2019 | HO/Pers/Actuarial Scheme 2016/2019/11/CR-8243 | Incentive Scheme for development of In-house Actuarial Capacity Circular (English) Circular (Hindi) | |
04.04.2019 | HO/Pers/Vehicle loan/2019/10/CR-8242 | Reimbursement of insurance premium in respect of 2/4 wheelers purchased through Vehicle loan scheme of the Company Circular(English) Circular(Hindi) | |
14.03.2019 | HO/Pers/Salary/Fixation/2019/09/CR-8239 | Fixation of salary in the promoted cadre of Assistant Circular Hindi | |
13.03.2019 | HO/Pers/Local Conveyance/2019/08/CR-8238 | Reimbursement Of Local Conveyance Expenses To Supercisory,Clerical And Subordinate Staff For Attending Non-Residential Training Programme. Circular Hindi | |
12.03.2019 | HO/Pers/GMC/2019/07/CR-8234 | Renewal of Staff's Group Mediclaim Policy for 2019-20 & one last opportunity for coverage to left over employees and family members. Circular Hindi | |
01.03.2019 | HO/Pers/LTS/2019/04/CR-8230 | Permission for Premium Economy Class for LTS to Scale VI and VII Officers Circular Circular (HINDI) | |
01.03.2019 | HO/Pers/Staff GMC policy/2019/06/CR-8228 | Discount in premium for OMP to a Primary Insured Person and Family members covered under Staff's GMC policy Circular Circular (HINDI) | |
01.03.2019 | HO/Pers/FPA/2019/05/CR-8227 | Uniform Guidelines for reckoning FPA as part of Basic Pay for GTIS, GSLI and Mediclaim Circular Circular (HINDI) | |
01.03.2019 | HO/Pers/Vehicle loan/2019/03/CR-8226 | Reduction in rate of interest on Vehicle (2 wheeler) loan for Class 3& 4 employees and Dev. Officers (admn.) Circular Circular (HINDI) | |
06.02.2019 | HO/Pers/DA/2019/02/CR-8217 | Dearness Allowance payable to Officers, Development Staff, Supervisory, Clerical and Subordinate Staff w.e.f. 01.02.2019 Circular | |
04.02.2019 | HO/Pers/LTS/2019/01/CR-8215 | Revision in Basic Salary ranges of Supervisory, Clerical and Subordinate Staff for the purpose of LTS Circular Circular (HINDI) | |
04.01.2019 | HO/HR/CDA/O/2018/CR-8209 | Scheme for Legal and Financial support to serving/ retired employees & officers, appointed actuary, directors of the Company and their family members against legal cases arising out of bona fide execution of Co's work during their service period/ tenure Circular | |
31.12.2018 | HO/Pers/GPA/2018/24/CR-8208 dated 31.12.2018 | Group PA Policy covering employees of the company w.e.f. 01.01.2019 Circular (ENG) Circular (HINDI) | |
13.12.2018 | - | Notice and Application for Second Officer at Nepal Notice | |
11.12.2018 | HO/Pers/GIS/2018/23/CR-8205 dated 11.12.2018 | Renewal of Group insurance Policy covering employees of the company w.e.f. 07.12.2018 CR 8205 along with Claim Form | |
19.11.2018 | HO/Pers/DA/2018/22/CR-8196 dated 05.11.2018 | Dearness Allowance payable to Officers, Development Staff, Supervisory, Clerical and Subordinate Staff w.e.f. 01.11.2018 Circular | |
12.11.2018 | HO/Pers/SC-ST Cell/Trust/2018/8197 | Dr. Ambedkar Welfare Trust Schemes -2018 Circular | |
08.10.2018 | HO/Pers/Company's Residential accommodation/2018/21/CR-8193 dated 05.10.2018 | Withholding of Terminal dues on retention of Residential accommodation after Exit from service Circular(English) Circular(Hindi) | |
20.09.2018 | HO/Pers/Kerala Floods/2018/20/CR-8185 dated 03.09.2018 | Appeal for Contribution for Flood Damages in Kerala State Circular (English) Circular (Hindi) | |
28.08.2018 | HO/Pers/Non-Core Benefits-Class-I/2018/18/CR-8183 | Non-Core benefits - Scheme for furnishing of Residence to Officers Circular (English) Circular (Hindi) | |
24.08.2018 | Circular No CR-8184 | Adherence to timelimits in processing of Disciplinary cases Circular | |
17.08.2018 | F.No. 1/41/2003-BO II | Half day Holiday on 17th August, 2018 - Demise of Sh. Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Former Prime Minister of India Notice | |
03.08.2018 | HO/Pers/DA/2018/17/CR-8180 dated 02.08.2018 | Dearness Allowance payable to Officers, Development Staff, Supervisory, Clerical and Subordinate Staff w.e.f. 01.08.2018 Circular | |
19.07.2018 | Notice | NOTICE OF FORMATION OF CENTRAL COMPLAINTS COMMITTEE under The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 formed at HEAD OFFICE NOTICE dated 18.07.2018 Sexual Harassment of Women at workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) act, 2013 dt. 09.12.2013 Sexual Harassment of Women at workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) act, 2013 dt. 23.04.2013 | |
28.06.2018 | HO/Pers/Lease Accommodation/2018/15/CR-8177 | Revision in Lease rent limits for Residential accommodation for Officers– Clarification regarding Reimbursement of Monthly Society Maintenance charges Circular (English) Circular (Hindi) | |
07.06.2018 | HO/Pers/Lease Accommodation/2018/14/CR-8173 | Revision in Lease Rental Limits for Residential Accommodation for Officers Circular (English) Circular (Hindi) | |
11.05.2018 | HO/Pers/DA/2018/13/CR-8170 | Dearness Allowance payable to Officers, Development Staff, Supervisory, Clerical and Subordinate Staff w.e.f. 01.05.2018 Circular | |
25.04.2018 | HO/Pers/GMC/2018/12/CR-8167 | Medical Check up facility under Staff's Group Mediclaim policy Circular (Hindi) Circular (English) | |
26.04.2018 | HO/Pers/Stagnation Increment/2018/11/CR-8166 dated 19.04.2018 | Clarification in Guidelines on Rigor Effect of Penalty and sanction of Stagnation Increments to employees posted in Regional Offices Circular (English) Circular (Hindi) | |
16.04.2018 | HO/Pers/Gratuity/2018/10/CR-8164 | Payment of Gratuity to employees Circular(English) Circular (Hindi) | |
16.04.2018 | HO/Pers/Graduation Allowance/2018/09/CR-8163 | Clarification on Continuation/Withdrawal of Graduation Allowance on promotion from the cadre of Assistant to Sr. Assistant Circular(English) Circular(Hindi) | |
13.04.2017 | - | 10th amendment in Promotion Policy for Officers 2006 Notice | |
06.04.2018 | HO/Pers/GMC/2018/08/CR-8160 | Group Mediclaim policy 2018-19 for Serving and retired employees - Option to increase the Optional Sum Insured Circular (English) Circular (Hindi) GMC 2018-19 Format of option form for increase of opted SI | |
04.04.2018 | HO/Pers/GMC 2018-19/2018/07/CR-8157 | Group Mediclaim Policy 2018-19 for Serving and Retired employee- Revision of Eligible Sum Insured Circular(English) Circular (Hindi) | |
02.04.2018 | HO/Pers/Ex-gratia in lieu of Bonus/2018/06/CR-8156 | Payment of Ex-gratia in lieu of Bonus to employees for the period ending 31.03.2017 Circular (English) Circular (Hindi) | |
02.04.2018 | HO/Pers/Vehicle Loan/2018/05/CR-8155 | Revision of 2-wheeler Vehicle Loan limit for Class III/IV employees and Development Officers (Admn.) Circular (English) Circular (Hindi) | |
08.02.2018 | HO/Pers/DA/2018/04/CR-8148 | Dearness Allowance payable to Officers, Development Staff, Supervisory, Clerical and Subordinate Staff w.e.f. 01.02.2018 Circular | |
18.01.2018 | HO/Pers/Company's Residential accommodation/2018/01/CR-8146 dated 17.01.2018 | Rules for stay/retention/extension of stay by the Officers in A.Guest House B.Company owned accommodation in respect of transferred Officers C.Leased accommodation in respect of transferred Officers D.Company owned accommodation in case of retirement/death of the Officer E.Inter Companies transfer of Scale VI & above Officers Circular | |
18.01.2018 | HO/Pers/CDA/03/2018/CR-8145 | Amendments of The Oriental Insurance Company [Conduct, Discipline and Appeal] Rules, 2014 Circular | |
17.01.2018 | HO/Pers/LTS/2018/02/CR-8144 dated 17.01.2018 | Flexi Fare in Premier trains on LTS Circular (English) Circular (Hindi) | |
04.01.2018 | HO/Pers/GPA/2018/38/CR-8138 dated 03.01.2018 | Group PA Policy covering employees of the company w.e.f. 01.01.2018 Circular (English) Circular (Hindi) | |
04.01.2018 | HO/Pers/GIS/2018/36/CR-8137 dated 01.01.2018 | Renewal of Group insurance Policy covering employees of the company w.e.f. 07.12.2017 Circular (English) Circular (Hindi) | |
21.12.2017 | HO/Pers/Conveyance Scheme 9A(V)/2017/37/CR-8135 | Review of Conveyance Scheme 9A (V) Circular (English) Circular (Hindi) | |
06.11.2017 | HO/Pers/DA/2017/35/CR-8129 | Dearness Allowance payable to Officers, Development Staff, Supervisory, Clerical and Subordinate Staff w.e.f. 01.11.2017 Circular | |
16.10.2017 | HO/Pers/LTS/2017/34/CR-8123 | Time limit for completing journey on LTS after retirement Circular Circular (Hindi) | |
16.10.2017 | HO/Pers/ACPS/2017/33/CR-8122 | Stagnation Increment of the cadre of Assistant to Sub-staff/Record Clerk placed in Pay scale of Assistant under ACPS Circular Circular (Hindi) | |
17.10.2017 | HO/Pers/Tour-Scale VI & VII/2017/30/CR-8121 | Entitled mode and Class of travel for Officers on tour - Inclusion of 'Premium Economy Class' of Vistara Airlines as entitled class for Deputy General Manager and General Manager Circular Circular (Hindi) | |
16.10.2017 | HO/Pers/Ex-gratia in lieu of Bonus/2017/32/CR-8118 | Payment of Ex-gratia in lieu of Bonus to employees for the period ending 31.03.2015 and 31.03.2016 Circular Circular (Hindi) | |
11.10.2017 | HO/Pers/Staff GMC/2017/31/CR-8116 | Modification and Guidelines regarding Staff Group Mediclaim Policy Circular Circular (Hindi) | |
29.09.2017 | HO/Pers/Commercial Employment/2017/29/CR-8113 | Amendments in General Insurance Executives (Acceptance of Commercial Employment after retirement) rules, 1994. Circular (English) Circular (Hindi) | |
29.09.2017 | HO/Pers/Lease Accommodation/2017/28/CR-8112 | Leased residential accommodation for new Directly recruited Assistants on posting/transfer. Circular (English) Circular (Hindi) | |
29.09.2017 | HO/Pers/Leave Rules/2017/27/CR-8111 | Amendment of Leave Rules - (i) Introduction of Paternity Leave (ii) Accumulation of Earned Leave upto 270 days. Circular (English) Circular (Hindi) | |
29.09.2017 | HO/Pers/Staff GMC/2017/26/CR-8110 | Amendments to Staff Group Mediclaim policy. Circular (English) Circular (Hindi) | |
20.09.2017(Uploaded on 20.09.2017) | -HO/Pers/Conveyance Scheme 9A(V)//2017/26/CR-8109 | Conveyance Scheme 9A(V) Corrigendum -Option for new vehicle on promotion to Scale V not available if already provided with a vehicle under the Scheme Circular (English) Circular (Hindi) | |
21.08.2017(Uploaded on 11.09.2017) | - | Requirement of Scale-II/III/IV officers for Ombudsman Centres Notice | |
05.09.2017(Uploaded on 05.09.2017) | HO/Pers/LTS/2017/25/CR-8102 | LTS Child fare Circular | |
04.09.2017(Uploaded on 04.09.2017) | HO/Pers/LTS/2017/24/CR-8100 | LTS Child fare Circular (English) Circular (Hindi) | |
09.08.2017(Uploaded on 11.08.2017) | HO/Pers/LTS/2017/23/CR-8090 | LTS - Clarification on Availing Leave Circular (English) Circular (Hindi) | |
02.08.2017 | HO/Pers/DA/2017/22/CR-8087 | Dearness Allowance payable to Officers, Development Staff, Supervisory, Clerical and Subordinate Staff w.e.f. 01.08.2017. Circular (English) | |
01.08.2017 | HO/Pers/Lease Accommodation/2017/21/CR-8086 | Lease Accommodation for Regional Incharges Circular (English) Circular(Hindi) | |
02.06.2017 | Pers/PRM/8074 | Reservation for Physically Handicapped in Posts filled by Promotion Circular (English) | |
19.05.2017 | HO/Pers/GMC/2017/20/CR-8073 | Improvement in Group Mediclaim Policy for employees and Retirees of GIPSA Companies and GIC-Re Circular (English) - Uploaded On 19.05.2017 Circular (Hindi) - Uploaded On 30.05.2017 | |
15.05.2017 | HO/Pers/DA/2017/19/CR-8070 | Dearness Allowance payable to Officers, Development staff,Supervisory,Clerical and Subordinate Staff w.e.f 01.05.2017 Circular | |
02.05.2017 | HO/Pers/2017/18/CR-8068 | Scheme of Education Advance – Modification to facilitate reimbursement of First Instalment of Fees defrayed by the Employee Circular (English) - 02.05.2017 Circular (Hindi) - 30.05.2017 | |
27.03.2017 | HO/Pers/2017/GMC/16/CR-8055 | Review of Group Mediclaim Policy for Employees and Retirees of GIPSA Companies and GIC Re - Renewal w.e.f. 01.04.2017 Circular (English) - Upload date 27.03.2017 Circular (Hindi) - Upload date 03.04.2017 | |
16.03.2017 | - | Deputation of Scale-V Officers to Tanzindia for the post of Managing Director Notice | |
15.03.2017 | HO/Pers/2017/GMC/13/CR-8051 | Group Mediclaim Policy for the period 2017-18 Circular (English) Circular (Hindi) GMC Calculator for retired employees Option form of Mediclaim 2017-18 | |
10.03.2017 | HO/Pers/DA/2017/11/CR-8050 | Revised Dearness Allowance payable to Officers, Development staff,Supervisory,Clerical and Subordinate Staff w.e.f 01.02.2017 Circular | |
10.03.2017 | HO/Pers/2017/Vigilance Clearance/10/CR-8049 | Vigilance Clearance for various matters Circular (English) - Upload date 10.03.2017 Circular (Hindi) - Upload date 24.03.2017 | |
07.02.2017 | HO/Pers/2017/Pay Anomaly/08/CR-8037 | Removal of Pay Anomaly in Scale V,VI and VII consequent upon Wage Revision effective from 01.08.2012 Circular (English)- Upload date 07.02.2017 Circular (Hindi)- Upload date 06.03.2017 | |
01.03.2017 | HO/Pers/2017/DHA/09/CR-8045 | Revision of rates of Daily Halting Allowance (DHA) payable to the employees for Official tour Circular (English) Circular(Hindi) | |
22.02.2017 | HO/HR/Legal/2017/Gratuity/CR-8044 | Fulfillment of provisions of the Payment of Gratuity Act,1972 Circular (English) Circular(Hindi) | |
07.02.2017 | HO/Pers/DA/2017/07/CR-8036 | Revised Dearness Allowance payable to Officers, Development Staff,Supervisory,Clerical and Subordinate Staff w.e.f. 01.02.2017 Circular | |
03.02.2017 | HO/Pers/Education Advance/2017/03/CR-8035 | Guidelines & Clarifications regarding disbursement of Education Advance to the employees for Universities/Institute outside India Circular (English) Circular(Hindi) | |
03.02.2017 | - | Requirement of scale-I/II/III officers for Ombudsman Centres Notice | |
02.02.2017 | HO/Pers/DA/2017/06/CR-8033 | Dearness Allowance payable to Officers, Development Staff, Supervisory, Clerical and Subordinate Staff w.e.f. 01.02.2017 Circular | |
24.01.2017 | HO/Pers/2017/05/GIS/CR-8031 | Group Insurance Policy covering employees of the Company w.e.f. 07.12.2016 Circular (English) Circular (Hindi) | |
24.01.2017 | HO/PERS/GSLI/2017/04/CR-8030 | Group Savings Linked Insurance (GSLI) Scheme Circular (English) Circular (Hindi) | |
13.01.2017 | HO/Pers/Education Advance/2017/02/CR-8029 | Education Advance Scheme EMI Calculator Circular (English) Circular (Hindi) | |
11.01.2017 | Notice | Deputation of Scale-V Officers to Kenindia Notice | |
10.01.2017 | HO/Pers/Commercial Employment/2017/01/CR-8026 | Permission for Commercial Employment after Retirement Circular (English) Circular (Hindi) | |
23.12.2016 | Notice | Requirement of Manpower in Offices under Hubli Region Notice | |
25.11.2016 | HO/PERS/Mode Of Travel Scale II & III/2016/36/CR-8014 HO/PERS/Residential Accommodation/2016/37/CR-8015 HO/PERS/Medical Check-Up/2016/38/CR-8016 | Mode of Travel for Scale II and Scale II officers while on official tour and subsequent to transfer of services Mode of Travel Retention of Company Accommodation at previous place of posting Residential Accommodation Revision in Limits of Diagnostic check up for Officers in Scale IV & above Medical Check-up | |
24.11.2016 | HO/PERS/Dependency Criteria/2016/33/CR-8011 HO/PERS/Conveyance Scheme 9A(V)/2016/34/CR-8012 HO/PERS/GTIS/2016/35/CR-8013 | Revision in the Income Limit for Dependency Criteria for various Service Benefits Revision in the Income Limit Review of Conveyance Scheme 9A(V),2011 Review of Conveyance Scheme Increase in Cover under Group Term Insurance Scheme GTIS Increase in Cover under Group Term Insurance Scheme | |
02.11.2016 | HO/PERS/DA/2016/31/CR-8007 | Dearness Allowance Payable to Officers,Development Staff,Supervisory,Clerical and Subordinate Staff Circular | |
16.09.2016 | Notice | Translator Posting Notice Notice | |
25.08.2016 | HO/Pers/Hill Station Allowance/2016/28/CR-8000 | Declaration of Udhampur as Hill Station Circular | |
25.08.2016 | HO/Pers/Medical Expenses/2016/29/CR-8001 | Scheme for medical expenses of to Whole Time Directors Circular | |
23.08.2016 | HO/Pers/Natural Calamity/2016/18/CR-7079 | Revision in Natural Calamity Advance to Employees Circular | |
17.08.2016 | HO/Pers/DHA/2016/13/CR-7097 | Irregularities in payment of DHA and transfer grant to officers at the place of posting Circular | |
09.08.2016 | HO/Pers/DA/2016/27/CR-7095 | Dearness Allowance Payable to Officers,Development Staff,Supervisory,Clerical and Subordinate Staff Circular | |
05.08.2016 | Education Loan | Administrative guidelines on education advance to employees of the company Education Loan | |
08.07.2016 | HO/Pers/Festival Advance/2016/26/CR-7090 | Revision in limits of Festival Advance to Employees Circular | |
08.07.2016 | HO/Pers/Exam Leave/2016/25/CR-7089 | Capping of Examination Leave for a Maximum 02 attempts per Subject Circular | |
27.06.2016 | HO/Pers/LTS-Entitled Air Travel/2016/18/CR-7087 | Correction in/Clarification on LTS Rules in respect of Officers entitled to Air Travel(scale IV and above) Circular | |
27.06.2016 | HO/NPA to Doctor/2016/22/CR-7086 | Introduction of Non-Practicing Allowance for management of Health business in GIPSA member companies Circular | |
27.06.2016 | HO/Wage Revision to PTS/2016/15/CR-7085 | Wage Revision for Permanent Part time Employees Circular | |
20.05.2016 | HO/Pers/2016/16/CR-7074 | Lease Limit Revision for Residential Accommodation Circular | |
17.05.2016 | HO/Pers/2016/15/CR-7072 | Reimbursement of expenses on Local Shifting Circular | |
11.05.2016(Uploaded on 13.05.2016) | HO/Pers/DA/2016/14/CR-7071 | Dearness Allowance Payable to Officers,Development Staff,Supervisory,Clerical and Subordinate Staff Circular | |
05.05.2016(Uploaded on 05.05.2016) | HO/PERS/Natural Calamity/2016/12/CR-7070 | Delegation of Authority for sanction of Natural Calamity Advance to Regional Incharges Circular No 7070 dated 03.05.2016 | |
02.05.2016(Uploaded on 02.05.2016) | HO/PERS/CDA/2016/11/CR-7068 | Timely Completion of Disciplinary Proceedings/ Departmental Inquiry Proceedings Circular No 7068 dated 13.04.2016 Enclosure | |
01.04.2016(Uploaded on 01.04.2016) | | ||
29.03.2016(Uploaded on 29.03.2016) | HO/Pers/CDA/2016/10/CR-7063 | Reimbursement of Local Conveyance to Retired Officials for conducting enquiries at their local station Circular | |
29.03.2016(Uploaded on 29.03.2016) | - | ||
14.03.2016(Uploaded on 15.03.2016) | - | ||
07.03.2016(Uploaded on 07.03.2016) | OICL/HO/Personnel/HRMS/PF/2015-16/01 | PF Module in HRMS would remain under Shut/Cooling period from 1st April 2016 to 20th April 2016 Notice | |
03.03.2016(Uploaded on 07.03.2016) | HO/PERS/Stagnation Increment/2016/08/CR-7060 | Delegation of Authority to Regional In-charges for sanction of Stagnation Increment to all classes of employees/officers Notice | |
02.03.2016(Uploaded on 02.03.2016) | NOTICE | ||
19.02.2016(Uploaded on 02.02.2016) | HO/Pers/CDA/2016/02/CR-7055 | ||
10.02.2016(Uploaded on 15.02.2016) | HO/Pers/DA/07/2016/CR-7053 | Dearness Allowance Payable to Officers,Development Staff,Supervisory,Clerical and Subordinate Staff Circular | |
15.01.2016(Uploaded on 19.01.2016) | PERS/HO/304 (P)/14/2012/CR-6750 | ||
13.01.2016(Uploaded on 15.01.2016) | HO/PERS/DEPUTATION ALL./2016/01/CR-7044 | ||
14.12.2015(Uploaded on 16.12.2015) | HO/Pers/SC-ST Cell/Trust/2015 | ||
01.12.2015(Uploaded on 03.12.2015) | HO/Pers/LTS/19/2015/CR-7035 | ||
06.11.2015(Uploaded on 10.11.2015) | HO/Pers/217(P)/18/2015/CR-7030 | DA payable to Officers, Dev. Staff, Supervisory, Clerical and Subordinate Staff w.e.f. 01.11.2015 NOTICE | |
20.10.2015 (Uploaded on 09.11.2015) | HR- HO/Pers/CDA/18/2015/CR-7029 | ||
12.10.2015(Uploaded on 12.10.2015) | NOTICE | ||
24.09.2015 (Uploaded on 24.09.2015) | HO/HR | ||
10.08.2015 (Uploaded on 10.08.2015) | NOTICE | Election of the employees representative on the Board of Trustees of The Oriental Insurance Company Limited. NOTICE PROPOSAL FORM | |
01.06.2015 (Uploaded on 07.08.2015) | HO/Pers/217(P)/15/2015/CR-7013 | DA payable to Officers, Dev. Staff, Supervisory, Clerical and Subordinate Staff w.e.f. 01.08.2015 CIRCULAR | |
09.07.2015(Uploaded on 09.07.2015) | NOTICE | ||
01.06.2015 (Uploaded on 01.07.2015) | HO/Pers/CDA/14/2015/CR-7004 | Honorarium payable to Enquiry Officer (Retired) and to Enquiry Officer/Presenting Officer (In service) CIRCULAR DRAFT LETTER | |
05.06.2015(Uploaded on 05.06.2015) | NOTICE | ||
27.05.2015 (Uploaded on 03.06.2015) | - | ||
27.05.2015(Uploaded on 27.05.2015) | - | ||
11.05.2015 (Uploaded on 12.05.2015) | HO/Pers/217(P)/04/2015/CR-6999 | Dearness Allowance payable to Officers, Development Staff, Supervisory, Clerical and Subordinate Staff w.e.f. 01.05.2015 CIRCULAR | |
27.04.2015(Uploaded on 01.05.2015) | HO/Pers/CDA/11/2015/CR-6996 | Bringing outside influence for transfers, postings, Disciplinary matters, appointments etc. CIRCULAR | |
09.04.2015(Uploaded on 10.04.2015) | HO/Pers/10/2015/CR-6993 | ||
07.04.2015(Uploaded on 09.04.2015) | HO/Pers/134(P)/09/2015/CR-6992 | ||
27.03.2015(Uploaded on 01.04.2015) | NOTICE | ||
18.03.2015(Uploaded on 18.03.2015) | HO/Pers/BR-4(T)(501)/05/2015/CR-6987 | Revision in the limits of reimbursement of expenses for transportation of household goods on transfer for our employees CIRCULAR | |
18.03.2015(Uploaded on 18.03.2015) | HO/Pers/BR-MB(I) (403)08/2015/CR-6986 | ||
10.03.2015(Uploaded on 18.03.2015) | LETTER | ||
13.03.2015(Uploaded on 16.03.2015) | HO/Pers/BR-MB (I) (403) 07/2015/CR-6984 | ||
09.03.2015(Uploaded on 12.03.2015) | HO/Pers/BR-MB (I) (403) 06/2015/CR-6981 | Coverage of independent children in Group Mediclaim Policy for employees and retired employees CIRCULAR | |
04.03.2015(Uploaded on 05.03.2015) | HO/Pers/217(P)/05/2015/CR-6980 | ||
10.02.2015(Uploaded on 16.02.2015) | HO/Pers/217(P)/04/2015/CR-6977 | Dearness Allowance payable to Officers, Development Staff, Supervisory, Clerical and Subordinate Staff w.e.f. 01.02.2015 CIRCULAR | |
10.12.2014(Uploaded on 06.02.2015) | - | ||
15.01.2015(Uploaded on 19.01.2015) | Pers/HO/304(P)/03/2015/CR-6969 | ||
13.01.2015(Uploaded on 14.01.2015) | - | ||
07.01.2015(Uploaded on 08.01.2015) | Pers/HO/276(P)/02/2015/CR-6966 | Re-classification of Cities for the purpose of payment of HRA/CCA and DHA on tour on the basis of population figures as per 2011 Census CIRCULAR | |
02.01.2015(Uploaded on 05.01.2015) | Pers/HO/BR-MB(I)/01/2015/CR-6964 | Renewal of existing Group Mediclaim Policy covering the employees / retired employees w.e.f. 01.02.2015 CIRCULAR | |
23.12.2014(Uploaded on 23.12.2014) | NOTICE | ||
05.12.2014(Uploaded on 10.12.2014) | Pers/HO/Comp.Gr.Appt/19/2014/CR-6954 | Re-opening of Compassionate Appointment in the company and Discontinuance of Monetary compensation in lieu thereof FORWARDING LETTER CIRCULAR SCHEME ANNEXURE | |
02.12.2014(Uploaded on 03.12.2014) | HO/Pers/217(P)/19/2014/CR-6953 | Query Related to Incerase/Decrease of Dearness Allowance payable in Subsistence Allowance to employees places under Suspension CIRCULAR | |
20.11.2014(Uploaded on 24.11.2014) | Pers/HO/BR-9(1) (511)/18/2014/CR-6948 | Grant of Conveyance Allowance to Deaf & Dum employees at par with Blind and Orthopaedically Handicapped Employees CIRCULAR | |
19.11.2014(Uploaded on 20.11.2014) | HO/Pers/Admn/17/2014/CR-6947 | ||
11.11.2014(Uploaded on 12.11.2014) | HO/Pers/217(P)/16/2014/CR-6945 | Dearness Allowance payable to Officers, Dev. Staff, Supervisory, Clerical and Subordinate Staff w.e.f. 01.11.2014 CIRCULAR | |
09.10.2014(Uploaded on 16.10.2014) | Pers/HO/287(P)/15/2014/CR-6939 | ||
24.09.2014(Uploaded on 25.09.2014) | - | ||
15.09.2014(Uploaded on 18.09.2014) | - | Deputation of Scale V/IV/III Officer to Kenindia, Nairobi for the post of GM/DGM (Financial Controller) NOTICE | |
19.08.2014(Uploaded on 22.08.2014) | Pers/HO/317 (P)/14/2014/CR-6934 | ||
07.08.2014(Uploaded on 07.08.2014) | HO/Pers/217(P)/14/2014/CR-6930 | Dearness Allowance payable to Officers, Development Staff, Supervisory, Clerical and Subordinate Staff w.e.f 01.08.2014 CIRCULAR | |
21.07.2014(Uploaded on 21.07.2014) | - | ||
27.06.2014(Uploaded on 21.07.2014) | HO/Pers/Admn/12/2014/CR-6927 | ||
15.05.2014(Uploaded on 16.05.2014) | HO/Pers/217(P)/11/2014/CR-6904 | Dearness Allowance payable to Officers,Development Staff, Clerical and Subordinate Staff w.e.f. 01.05.2014 CIRCULAR | |
09.05.2014(Uploaded on 09.05.2014) | - | ||
09.05.2014(Uploaded on 09.05.2014) | Pers/HO/BR(405)/08/2014/CR-6903 | Change of Authority for Sanction of Four Wheeler Loans to Class-I Officers on Administrative Side CIRCULAR | |
01.04.2014(Uploaded on 01.04.2014) | HO/CDA/10/2014/CR-6894 | ||
27.03.2014(Uploaded on 28.03.2014) | - | Request From Health Insurance TPA of India Limited (HITPAL): Deployment of Additional Officers on Deputation NOTICE | |
21.03.2014(Uploaded on 26.03.2014) | HO/Pers/CDA/09/2014/CR-6890 | ||
20.03.2014(Uploaded on 26.03.2014) | Pers/HO/B-10 (513)/05/2014/CR-6889 | ||
19.03.2014(Uploaded on 21.03.2014) | Pers/HO/BR-MB(I)(403)/06/2014/CR-6884 | Modification in the revised terms of Group Mediclaim Policy covering the Employees/Retired employees of our Company CIRCULAR | |
19.03.2014(Uploaded on 21.03.2014) | Pers/HO/BR-5(503)/07/2014/CR-6885 | ||
18.03.2014(Uploaded on 20.03.2014) | Pers/HO/BR-MB(i)/04/2014/CR-6883 | ||
06.03.2014(Uploaded on 14.03.2014) | Pers/Corp/228(P)/2014 | ||
03.03.2014(Uploaded on 05.03.2014) | Notice dated 03-03-2014 | ||
21.02.2014(Re-Uploaded on 26.02.2014) | - | Deputation of a Scale IV/V officer to Kenindia, Nairobi for the Post of GM (Financial Controller) NOTICE | |
25.11.2013(Uploaded on 20.02.2014) | Ref :Pers/Corp/314(P)/2013 | Regional Complaints Committee to Prevent Sexual Harassment of Women Employees at Work Place CIRCULAR CONTACT LIST | |
07.02.2014(Uploaded on 11.02.2014) | HO/Pers/217(P)/03/2014/CR-6872 | Dearness Allowance payable to Officers,Development Staff, Clerical and Subordinate Staff w.e.f. 01.02.2014. CIRCULAR | |
29.01.2014(Uploaded on 31.01.2014) | - | Administrative Instruction on Revised Group Mediclaim Policy covering the Employees / Retired Employees of our Company ADMINISTRATIVE INSTRUCTIONS NORTH ZONE SOUTH ZONE EAST ZONE WEST ZONE | |
13.01.2014(Uploaded on 13.01.2014) | - | Notice regarding Filling up of Vacancy of Executive Director (on Deputation) in Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority NOTICE | |
10.01.2014(Uploaded on 13.01.2014) | Pers/HO/BR-MB (1)(403)/02/2014/CR-6863 | Modification in the revised terms of Group Mediclaim Policy covering the Employees / Retired Employees of our Company CIRCULAR | |
07.01.2014(Uploaded on 09.01.2014) | Pers/HO/BR-MB (1)(403)/01/2014/CR-6861 | Modification in the Revised terms of Group Mediclaim Policy covering the Employees / Retired Employees of our Company CIRCULAR | |
30.12.2013(Uploaded on 01.01.2014) | Pers/HO/155(P)/19/2013/CR-6859 | ||
26.12.2013(Uploaded on 26.12.2013) | - | ||
14.11.2013(Uploaded on 14.11.2013) | HO/Pers/217(P)/18/2013/CR-6845 | Dearness Allowance payable to officers, Development Staff, clerical and Subordinate Staff w.e.f 01.11.2013 CIRCULAR | |
12.11.2013(Uploaded on 13.11.2013) | HO/Pers/B-R/5(1)/17/2013/CR-6844 | ||
09.10.2013(Uploaded on 22.10.2013) | Pers/HO/321(P)/15/2013/CR-6834 | Clarifications on Treatment of FPA in the cadres of Record Clerk, Driver and Other Subordinate Staff - Wage Revision w.e.f 01.08.2007 Amendment Scheme, 2010 CIRCULAR | |
15.10.2013 | - | ||
14.10.2013 | Pers/HO/300(P)/16/2013/CR-6832 | ||
04.09.2013 (Uploaded on 05.09.2013) | Marketing/Foreign operations/2013/CR-6824 | ||
12.08.2013 (Uploaded on 13.08.2013) | HO/Pers/217(P)/14/2013/CR-6817 | Dearness Allowance payable to Officers, Development Staff, Supervisory, Clerical and Subordinate Staff w.e.f 01.08.2013 CIRCULAR | |
26.07.2013 (Uploaded on 30.07.2013) | - | ||
26.07.2013 (Uploaded on 30.07.2013) | - | Notice regarding deputation of Scale III/IV officer to Tanzindia for the post of Financial Controller/Sr. Asstt. General Manager NOTICE | |
18.06.2013 (Uploaded on 26.06.2013) | HO/Pers/2013/CR-6810 | ||
19.06.2013 (Uploaded on 25.06.2013) | - | ||
19.06.2013 (Uploaded on 21.06.2013) | - | ||
18.06.2013 (Uploaded on 21.06.2013) | - | Deferment of Implementation of Revised Group Mediclaim Policy for Serving and Retired employees w.e.f 1st July, 2013 Notice | |
29.05.2013 (Uploaded on 31.05.2013) | - | ||
23.05.2013 (Uploaded on 28.05.2013) | Pers/HO/BR-MB(1)(403)/13/2013/CR-6806 | Revised Terms of Group Mediclaim Policy covering the Employees/Retired Emp of our company CIRCULAR ANNEXURE A ANNEXURE B ANNEXURE C OPTION FORM | |
06.05.2013 (Uploaded on 07.05.2013) | HO/Pers/217(P)/11/2013/CR-6802 | Dearness Allowance payable to Officers,Development Staff, Supervisory, Clerical and Subordinate Staff w.e.f 01.05.2013 Notice | |
10.05.2013 (Uploaded on 14.05.2013) | Pers/HO/143(P)/12/2013/CR-6803 | ||
06.05.2013 (Uploaded on 07.05.2013) | HO/Pers/217(P)/11/2013/CR-6802 | Dearness Allowance payable to Officers,Development Staff, Supervisory, Clerical and Subordinate Staff w.e.f 01.05.2013 Notice | |
25.04.2013 | Pers/HO/BR-MB (I) (403)/10/2013/CR-6792 | ||
19.04.2013 | Pers/HO/BR-MB (I) (403)/10/2013/CR-6792 | ||
15.03.2013 (uploaded on 04.04.2013) | Pers/HO/BR-MB (I) (403)/10/2013/CR-6792 | ||
04.03.2013 (uploaded on 19.03.2013) | Pers/HO/BR-8(1)(517)/08/2013/CR-6790 | ||
08.03.2013 (uploaded on 12.03.2013) | Pers/Corp/228(P)/2013 | ||
11.03.2013 (uploaded on 12.03.2013) | Pers/HO/BR-MB(I)(403)/09/2013/CR-6787 | Rate of premium loading applicable under Group Mediclaim Policy of our employees for the period 01.04.2013 to 31.03.2014 Notice | |
20.02.2013 (uploaded on 11.03.2013) | Pers/HO/236(P)/07/2013/CR-6786 | ||
04.03.2013 (uploaded on 06.03.2013) | Pers/HO/BR-MB(I)(403)/06/2013/CR-6781 | Rate of Premium Loading applicable under Group Mediclaim Policy of our Employees for the period 01.04.2013 to 31.03.2014 Notice | |
15.02.2013 (Revised uploaded on 21.02.2013) | - | ||
16.02.2013 (uploaded on 20.02.2013) | Pers/HO/236(P)/01/2013/CR-6767 | ||
11.02.2013 (uploaded on 13.02.2013) | Pers/HO/BR 4(T)(501)/04/2013/CR-6774 | ||
11.02.2013 (uploaded on 13.02.2013) | HO/Pers/217(P)/05/2013/CR-6775 | Dearness Allowance payable to Officers,Development Staff, Supervisory, Clerical and Subordinate Staff w.e.f 01.02.2013 Notice | |
24.01.2013 (uploaded on 28.01.2013) | Pers/HO/BR 4(T)(501)/03/2013/CR-6772 | Revision in the limits of reimbursement of lodging charges at Hotels to officials while on tour Notice | |
24.01.2013 (uploaded on 28.01.2013) | - | ||
22.01.2013 | - | ||
22.01.2013 | - | ||
17.01.2013 | Pers/HO/236/(P)/01/2013/CR-6767 | ||
16.01.2013 | - | ||
29.11.2012 (uploaded on 03.01.2013) | Pers/HR/6761/2012/CR- | Revision of Honorarium, Functional Allowance & Conveyance expenses for visiting faculties and officers at OSTC/RTCs Notice | |
11.12.2012(uploaded on 12.12.2012) | Marketing/Foreign Operations/2012/CR/6755 | Notice for Extending Last Date for Submission of Applications for posting as Resident Manager at Kuwait Notice | |
11.12.2012(uploaded on 12.12.2012) | Marketing/Foreign Operations/2012/CR/6755 | Notice for Extending Last Date for Submission of Applications for posting as Second Officer in Country Office-Nepal Notice | |
19.11.2012 | Pers/HO/BR-8(1)(517)/12/2012/CR-6751 | ||
19.11.2012 | - | ||
12.11.2012 | - | Deputation to Common In-House TPA Project Scale IV/Scale V Officers of GIPSA Member Companies Notice | |
09.11.2012 | - | ||
07.11.2012 (uploaded on 09.11.2012) | HO/Pers/217(P)/13/2012/CR-6749 | Dearness Allowance payable to Officers,Development Staff, Supervisory, Clerical and Subordinate Staff w.e.f 01.11.2012 Notice | |
07.11.2012 | - | ||
25.10.2012 | - | ||
10.10.2012 | - | ||
19.09.2012 | - | ||
19.09.2012 | - | ||
14.09.2012 | HO/MKTG/2012-13/CR-6737 | Notice Inviting Applications for Posting as Second Officer in Country Office, Nepal at Kathmandu. Notice Application Form | |
14.09.2012 | HO/MKTG/2012-13/CR-6736 | ||
31.08.2012 | - | Common In-house TPA Project (extension for date of submission of application). Notice dated 31.08.2012 | |
17.08.2012 | - | Notice for Officers of GIPSA Member Companies Deputation to Common In-House TPA Project Notice dated 17.08.2012 | |
09.08.2012 | CR-6729 | COMMON IN-HOUSE TPA PROJECT Invitation for All Employees of GIPSA Member Companies for Suggestion Notice dated 07.08.2012 Notice dated 09.08.2012 | |
09.08.2012 | CR-6729 | Dearness Allowance Payable to Officers,Development Staff,Supervisory,Clerical and Subordinate Staff w.e.f 01.08.2012 Notice | |
23.07.2012 (uploaded on 24.07.2012) | Ref: Pers/HO/BR-7(I) (507)/10/2012/CR-6720 | Treatment of newly classiffied 4 Metros at par with other Metros for various Service benefits Notice | |
29.05.2012 (uploaded on 30.05.2012) | - | ||
10.05.2012 (uploaded on 15.05.2012) | CR-6701 | ||
10.05.2012 | CR-6697 | Dearness Allowance Payable to Officers,Development Staff,Supervisory,Clerical and Subordinate Staff w.e.f 01.05.2012 Notice | |
26.04.2012 | CR-6692 | ||
24.04.2012 | Notice | ||
11.04.2012 (uploaded on 12.04.2012) | Notice | ||
29.03.2012 (uploaded on 30.03.2012) | Notice | ||
16.03.2012 | CR-6685 | ||
06.03.2012 (uploaded on 07.03.2012) | CR-6681&CR-6682 | ||
23.02.2012 | CR-6676 | ||
08.02.2012 (uploaded on 13.02.2012) | CR-6674 | ||
20.01.2012 | _ | ||
09.11.2011 (uploaded on 11.11.2011) | CR-6657 | ||
24.10.2011 | CR-6655 | ||
05.10.2011 | - | ||
08.08.2011 (uploaded on 17.08.2011) | CR-6642 | ||
10.08.2011 (uploaded on 11.08.2011) | - | ||
12.07.2011 (uploaded on 19.07.2011) | Pers/HO/321(P)/14/2011/CR-6635 | ||
06.07.2011 (uploaded on 08.07.2011) | Pers/HO/BR(405)/12/2011/CR-6630 | ||
06.07.2011 (uploaded on 08.07.2011) | Pers/HO/BR-5(503)/13/2011/CR-6631 | ||
06.07.2011 (uploaded on 08.07.2011) | Pers/HO/BR(405)/15/2011/CR-6632 | ||
24.06.2011 (uploaded on 27.06.2011) | - | ||
16.06.2011 (uploaded on 27.06.2011) | - | ||
15.04.2011 (uploaded on 19.05.2011) | Pers/HO/BR-8(1)(517)/11/2011/CR-6612 | ||
10.05.2011 (uploaded on 11.05.2011) | HO/Pers/217(P)/10/2011/CR-6616 | ||
05.05.2011 (uploaded on 09.05.2011) | - | ||
06.05.2011 | - | ||
29.04.2011 (uploaded on 28.04.2011) | HO/Pers./ABSORP/TAC/2011 | ||
04.04.2011 (uploaded on 13.04.2011) | Pers/HO/BR-MB (I) (403)/09/2011/CR-6611 dated 04.04.2011 | ||
05.04.2011 (uploaded on 06.04.2011) | Notice Dated 05.04.2011 | ||
05.04.2011 (uploaded on 06.04.2011) | Notice Dated 05.04.2011 | ||
23.03.2011 (uploaded on 28.03.2011) | Notice Dated 23.03.2011 | ||
07.03.2011 (uploaded on 10.03.2011) | Notice Dated 07.03.2011 | ||
07.03.2011 (uploaded on 10.03.2011) | Notice Dated 07.03.2011 | ||
08.03.2011 (uploaded on 08.03.2011) | HO/Pers/ BR-MB (I) (403)/ 06 /2011/CR-6604 | ||
01.03.2011 (uploaded on 03.03.2011) | Notice Dated 01.03.2011 | ||
01.03.2011 (uploaded on 02.03.2011) | Notice Dated 01.03.2011 | ||
24.02.2011 (uploaded on 28.02.2011) | HO/Pers/134(P)/05/2011/CR-6600 | ||
22.02.2011 (uploaded on 24.02.2011) | HO/BR-MB(I)(403)/04/2011/CR-6597 | ||
09.02.2011 (uploaded on 10.02.2011) | HO/Pers/217(P)/03/2011/CR-6593 | ||
02.02.2011 (uploaded on 04.02.2011) | Notice Dated 02.02.2011 | ||
02.02.2011 (uploaded on 04.02.2011) | Notice Dated 02.02.2011 | ||
31.01.2011 (uploaded on 04.02.2011) | Pers/HO/314(P)/02/2011/CR-6589 | ||
05.01.2011 (uploaded on 06.01.2011) | Notice Dated 05.01.2011 | ||
14.12.2010 (uploaded on 22.12.2010) | Notice Dated 14.12.2010 | ||
06.12.2010 (uploaded on 06.12.2010) | Notice Dated 06.12.2010 | ||
23.11.2010 (uploaded on 25.11.2010) | Notice Dated 23.11.2010 | ||
23.11.2010 (uploaded on 25.11.2010) | Notice Dated 23.11.2010 | ||
18.11.2010 (uploaded on 22.11.2010) | Notice Dated 18.11.2010 | ||
11.11.2010 (uploaded on 15.11.2010) | Notice Dated 11.11.2010 | ||
08.10.2010 (uploaded on 26.10.2010) | Notice Dated 08.10.2010 | GAZETTEE NOTIFICATION | |
21.10.2010 (uploaded on 26.10.2010) | Notice Dated 21.10.2010 | ||
18.10.2010 | Notice Dated 18.10.2010 | Class-1 | Forwarding Letter dated 18.10.2010 |
Administrative Instructions | |||
Class-3 & 4 | Forwarding Letter dated 18.10.2010 | ||
Administrative Instructions | |||
12.10.2010 | Notice Dated 12.10.2010 | Short Listing Of Officers For Posting As Divl./Branch Incharges- R.O.-I/II Delhi | |
05.10.2010 | Notice Dated 05.10.2010 | ||
07.10.2010 (updated on 08/10/10) | Notice Dated 07.10.2010 | Joining of officers promoted in the promotion exercise 2010-11 | |
19.08.2010 | Notice Dated 12.08.2010 | ||
11.08.2010 | Notice Dated 11.08.2010 | Dearness Allowance payable to Officers, Development Staff, Supervisory, Clerical and Subordinate Staff w.e.f. 01.08.2010 | |
05.08.2010 | Notice Dated 05.08.2010 | ||
28.07.2010 | Notice Dated 08.07.2010 | ||
26.07.2010 | Notice Dated 09.07.2010 | Confirmation of AO's posted as Agency Manager | |
12.07.2010 | Notice Dated 12.07.2010 | ||
11.05.2010 (updated on 14/05/10) | 2010/CR-6525 | Dearness Allowance payable to Officers, Development Staff, Supervisory, Clerical and Subordinate Staff w.e.f. 01.05.2010 | |
05.05.2010 | Notice Dated 04.05.2010 | ||
21.04.2010 | HO/Pers/Admn/2008/CR-6517 | ||
16.04.2010 | Notice Dated 16.04.2010 | ||
08.03.2010 (updated on 11/03/10) | Personnel Circular dated 08.03.2010 | ||
18.02.2010 | Pers/HO/BR-MB(I)403/03/2010/CR-6494 | Rate of Premium loading applicable under GROUP MEDICLAIM POLICY of our employee for the period: 01.04.2010-31.03.2011. | |
08.02.2010 | Personnel Circular dated 08.02.2010 | ||
23.01.2010 | Personnel Circular dated 23.01.2010 | ||
23.01.2010 | Personnel Circular dated 23.01.2010 | ||
03.02.2010 (updated on 08/02/10) | 2010/CR-6488 | Dearness Allowance payable to Officers, Development Staff, Supervisory, Clerical and Subordinate Staff w.e.f. 01.02.2010 | |
05.01.2010 (updated on 28/01/10) | Personnel Circular 6481 dated 05.01.2010 | ||
10.03.2023 | Letter dated 26.06.2018 | Amendments in the scheme for Compassionate appointment - Relaxation of upper age limit, Determination/availability of vacancies, Presence of earning member in the family & Objective assessment of financial condition of family. Circular | |
10.03.2023 | CR-6903 dated 09.05.2014 | Change of Authority for sanction of Four Wheeler loan to Class I Officers on Administrative side & Administrative Instructions. Circular | |
10.03.2023 | CR-7002 dated 27.05.2015 | Group Mediclaim Policy for employees / retired employees Circular | |
10.03.2023 | CR- 7082 dated 30.05.2016 | Lease accommodation facility at previous place of posting on transfer to another station. Circular | |
10.03.2023 | CR-6913 dated 23.06.2014 | Deputing employees for the purpose of Election Duties. Circular | |
10.03.2023 | CR-6913 dated 23/06/2014 | Deputing employees for the purpose election duties. Circular | |
13.03.2023 | CR-6631 dated 06.07.2011 | Revision in LTS benefits & provisions. Circular | |
13.03.2023 | CR-7081 dated 30.05.2016 | Clarification on LTS for employees travelling part journey by higher mode. Circular | |
(Note : To read or print PDF, you will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader, version 4.0 or later, installed on your computer. This is available free on Adobe's website.) |