Personnel Department |
Circulars |
Date of Issue | Circular No. | Subject Matter | |
22.12.2009 | Dated 22.12.2009 | Deputation to IIIP Singapore for the post of its CEO & MD (22.12.2009) | |
07.12.2009 | Notice dated 07.12.2009 | Check-off excercise 2009 RESULTS | |
01.12.2009 | Notice dated 01.12.2009 | ||
13.11.2009 (updated on 18/11/09) | Personnel Circular dated 13.11.09 | Group Term Insurance Scheme (GTIS) | |
16.11.2009 | Notice dated 16.11.2009 | Notice dated 16/11/2009 - Check-off excercise 2009 | |
06.11.2009 (updated on 13/11/09) | HO/Pers/Admn/2009/CR-6470 | Administration of Foreign Tour Expenses - Delay in submission of bills | |
09.11.2009 (updated on 12/11/09) | 304(P)/12/2009/CR-6469 | Group Term Insurance Scheme (GTIS) | |
07.11.2009 (updated on 12/11/09) | 217(P)/11/2009/CR-6467 | Dearness Allowance payable to Officers, Development Staff, Supervisory, Clerical and Subordinate Staff w.e.f. 01.11.2009 | |
03.11.2009 (updated on 06/11/09) | Dated 06.11.2009 | ||
27.10.2009 (updated on 29/10/09) (re-updated on 31/03/10) | Notice/Promotions/01/2009/CR-6465 Dated 27.10.2009 | ||
29.09.2009 (updated on 01/10/09) | Notice Dated 29.09.2009 | ||
07.09.2009 (updated on 08/09/09) | Notice Dated 07.09.2009 | ||
04.09.2009 (updated on 09/09/09) | Notice Dated 04.08.2009 | ||
02.09.2009 (updated on 08/09/09) | Letter Dated 02.09.2009 | ||
11.08.2009 (updated on 19/08/09) | Pers/HO/BR-MB(I)(403)/10/2009/CR-6450 | Group Mediclaim Policy for Retired Employees- Issuance of letter to Hospitals on coverage under Group Medical Insurance Scheme | |
11.08.2009 | Notice Dated 11.08.2009 | ||
06.08.2009 (updated on 07/08/09) | 217(P)/08/2009/CR-6443 | Dearness Allowance payable to Officers, Development Staff, Supervisory, Clerical and Subordinate Staff w.e.f. 01.08.2009 | |
03.08.2009 (updated on 04/08/09) | Notice Dated 03.08.2009 | ||
31.07.2009 (updated on 03/08/09) | Notice Dated 31.07.2009 | ||
23.07.2009 (updated on 28/07/09) | Notice Dated 23.07.2009 | ||
16.06.2009 (updated on 18/06/09) | Notice Dated 16.06.2009 | ||
16.06.2009 | NOTICE | ||
04.06.2009 (updated on 08/06/09) | Notice Dated 04.06.2009 | ||
03.06.2009 | HO/Pers/Admn/2009/CR-6430 | ||
18.05.2009 | 217(P)/06/2009/CR-6427 | Dearness Allowance payable to Officers, Development Staff, Supervisory, Clerical and Subordinate Staff w.e.f. 01.05.2009 | |
23.04.2009 (updated on 14/05/09) | HO/Pers/Admn/2009/CR-6416 | Posting of Second Officer at DO KATHMANDU, NEPAL | |
08.05.2009 | Notice dated 08.05.2009 | Notice Banning Use of Mobile Phones at Examination Centre | |
26.03.2009 (updated on 30/04/09) | Pers/HO/BR-8(1)(517)/05/2009/CR-6417 | Telephone facility for Officers of the Company | |
26.03.2009 (updated on 16/04/09) | Pers/HO/O-R/GA/10/04/2009/CR-6411 | Reimbursement of Cost of News Papers Expenses to Officers | |
09.04.2009 (updated on 09/04/09) | Notice dated 09 .04.2009 | Notice for All Employees' Unions/Associations/SC/ST - Welfare Groups | |
17.03.2009 (updated on 19/03/09) | Notice dated 17.03.2009 | Deputation of Scale-IV/V Officer to KENINDIA, NAIROBI | |
24.02.2009 (uploaded on 25/02/09) | HO/Personnel2008-09/CR-6396 | New Regional Offices at Vishakapatnam/Hubli/Raipur | |
12.02.2009 (uploaded on 13/02/09) | Notice | Deputation of Scale-IV to India International Insurance, Singapore | |
12.02.2009 | Pers/HO/BR-7(I) (507)/03/2009/CR-6393 | Revision in lease rent limit for residential accomodation to various classes of employees | |
09.02.2009 | 217(P)/02/2009/CR-6389 | Dearness Allowance payable to Officers, Development Staff, Supervisory, Clerical and Subordinate Staff w.e.f. 01.02.2009 | |
30.01.2009 (uploaded on 02/02/09) | Pers/HO/BR-MB(I)(403)/01/2009/CR-6387 | Rate of premium loading applicable under Group Mediclaim Policy of our Employees for the period 01.04.2009 to 31.03.2010 | |
19.01.2009 (updated on 22/01/09) | Pers/HO/172(P)/2009 | Inviting write-up for the Technical Paper Competition 2008-09 of Insurance Institute of India | |
02.01.2009 (updated on 07/01/09) | Notice dated 02.01.2009 | Deputation of Scale-IV/V to KENINDIA, NAIROBI | |
15.12.2008 (re updated on 07/01/09) | HO/Pers/Admn/2008/CR-6375 | Allotment of Company Owned Accomodation | |
10.12.2008 (updated on 12/12/08) | HO/Pers/Admn/2008/CR-6368 | Posting of Second Officer at DO KATHMANDU, NEPAL | |
11.12.2008 (updated on 12/12/08) | HO/Pers/Admn/2008/CR-6367 | Selection of Resident Manager for QATAR | |
10.12.2008 (updated on 11/12/08) | NOTICE Supplementary Promotion Exercise 2008-09 for Class-I (Scale I to IV) | Disclosure of Written Marks | |
10.11.2008 (updated on 18/11/08) | 21/2008/CR-6362 | Prohibition of Smoking in Public Places, 2008 | |
10.11.2008 (updated on 11/11/08) | 20/2008/CR-6361 | Dearness Allowance payable to Officers, Development Staff, Supervisory, Clerical and Subordinate Staff w.e.f. 01.11.2008 | |
06.11.2008 | Notice dated 06.11.2008 | Recruitment of Scale I Officers in our Company | |
27.10.2008 (updated on 03/11/08) | Notice dated 27.10.2008 | Deputation of Scale-IV to KENINDIA, NAIROBI | |
21.10.2008 | Pers/Admn/2008/CR-6358 | Selection of Resident Manager for QATAR | |
01.10.2008 | 18/2008/CR-6345 | Starting 2nd October, 2008 Smoking in 'Public Places' BANNED | |
29.09.2008 (updated on 30/09/08) | 15/2008/CR-6344 | Improvement in Transfer Benefits for Supervisory, Clerical and Subordinate Staff | |
29.09.2008 (updated on 30/09/08) | 17/2008/CR-6343 | Approved model under Vehicle Loan Schemes for Class I Officers & Class III/IV employees | |
12.08.2008 | 15/2008/CR-6323 | 1. Cleaning & Washing Expenses under Conveyance Scheme 9A(iii & iv) 2. Proportionate deduction of petrol on account of leave | |
05.08.2008 | 14/2008/CR-6320 | Dearness Allowance payable to Officers, Development Staff, Supervisory, Clerical and Subordinate Staff w.e.f. 01.08.2008 | |
19.05.2008 | Pers/PRM/III/AO(H)/2008 | Declaration of vacancies for promotion to the cadre of Administrative Officer (Hindi Officer) - 2008 (Hindi Version) (English Version) | |
04.06.2008 | 13/2008/CR-6310 | Revision in incentives payable to employees on passing Hindi/ Hindi Typing/Hindi Stenography Exams | |
28.05.2008 | Notice | Deputation of Scale-IV/III to India International Insurance, Singapore | |
28.05.2008 | Notice | Deputation of Scale-IV/V to KENINDIA, NAIROBI | |
06.05.2008 | /2008/CR-6301 | 20 Fake Universities declared by UGC , New Delhi | |
02.04.2008 | 11/2008/CR-6294 | Review of Telephone facility for Officers of the Company | |
27.03.2008 | 10/2008/CR-6293 | Discipline in Offices | |
27.03.2008 | 09/2008/CR-6292 | Local Conveyance | |
26.03.2008 | 08/2008/CR-6290 | Reimbursement of Local Conveyance expenses to Supervisory, Clerical and Subordinate Staff for attending Non-Residential training programme | |
25.03.2008 | 07/2008/CR-6289 | Group Mediclaim Policy for the Employees of our Company- coverage of dependent children alongwith spouse of deceased employee | |
03.03.2008 | Pers/Corp/01/228(P)/2008 | Early Payment of Salary for the month of March 2008 | |
21.02.2008 | 06/2008/CR-6277 | Group Mediclaim Policy for the Employees of our Company | |
29.01.2008 | Notice/Promotions /01/2008/CR-6267 | Promotion Exercise 2008-09 for Officers & Issuance of Call letter/Admit Card for Written Examination | |
24.01.2008 | 04/2008/CR-6264 | Group Mediclaim Policy for the Employees of our Company | |
04.01.2008 | 03/2008/CR-6254 | Group Mediclaim Policy for the Employees of our Company | |
04.01.2008 | 02/2008/CR-6253 | Revision in Travelling Expenses rules for Scale II and Scale III Officers | |
03.01.2008 | HO/Pers/CDA /01/2008/CR-6251 | Amendment in General Insurance [Conduct, Discipline & Appeal] Rules, 1975 | |
26.12.2007 | Notice/Promotions /03/2007/CR-6248 | Promotion for Class-I Officers | |
08.11.2007 | Pers/Corp/176(P)/2007 | Payment of Ex-gratia in lieu of Bonus for the year ended 31.03.2007 | |
25.10.2007 | 19/2007/CR-6234 | Accepting of Deposits from Public by Societies set up by our Employees | |
26.10.2007 | 18/2007/CR-6232 | Revision in amount of Festival Advance | |
15.10.2007 | 17/2007/CR-6228 | Group Savings Linked Insurance (GSLI) Scheme | |
11.10.2007 | 16/2007/CR-6226 | Group Savings Linked Insurance (GSLI) Scheme | |
06.08.2007 | 14/2007/CR-6199 | Issue of NOC for obtaining Passport- changes in the wordings as per requirements of Passport Authorities | |
29.06.2007 | 12/2007/CR-6191 | Requirement of Documents for claims settlement- Preventive Vigilance | |
28.06.2007 | 13/2007/CR-6192 | Grant of Ex-gratia in respect of surviving widows of pre 01.01.1986 retirees of the Company | |
01.06.2007 | 2007/CR-6187 | Advance for Leave Travel Subsidy | |
26.04.2007 | Notice/Promotions /03/2007/CR-6177 | Promotion Exercise 2007-08 for officer & Issuance of Call Letter/Admit Card for written Examination | |
28.03.2007 | - | Promotion Policy for Officers - 2006 Written Test guidance for qualifying examination for promotion of officers | |
14.03.2007 | Pers/Corp/228((P)) | Early payment of Salary for the Month of March 2007 | |
09.03.2007 | 07/2007/CR-6157 | Rate of premium loading applicable under Group Mediclaim Policy of our Employees for the period 01.04.2007 to 31.03.2008 | |
06.03.2007 | 08/2007/CR-6156 | Grant of Leave for taking part in event of sports | |
05.02.2007 | Notice/Promotions /01/2007/CR-6129 | New Promotion Policy | |
31.01.2007 | 04/2007/CR-6145 | Reimbursement of expenses for transportation of Household goods following transfer of employees | |
01.02.2007 | 05/2007/CR-6144 | Amendment of General Insurance [Conduct, Discipline & Appeal] Rules, 1975 | |
24.01.2007 | 03/2007/CR-6139 | National Management Prog. by MDI Gurgaon | |
17.01.2007 | HO/Estate/2007-08/6135 | ||
11.01.2007 | 03/2007/CR-6134 | Rate of premium loading applicable under Group Mediclaim Policy of our Employees for the period 01.04.2007 to 31.03.2008 | |
10.01.2007 | 02/2007/CR-6132 | Distance Learning Programme of the Institute of Insurance and Risk Management (IIRM) | |
03.01.2007 | 01/2007/CR-6131 | Permission to retain Company's flat / leased Residential Accomodation after transfer, at the previous place of posting | |
21.12.2006 | 26/2006/CR-6128 | Shifting of family / Household goods following transfer | |
22.12.2006 | 25/2006/CR-6111 | Extension of Carry forward period of LTS block 2003-2004 for officers upto 30.06.2007 | |
22.12.2006 | Estb/HO/2006/CR-6123 | ||
13.12.2006 | 2006/CR-6108 | Allotment of Company Owned Accomodation to Class-I Officers | |
22.11.2007 | - | Posting in Board Secretariat | |
20.11.2006 | 24/2006/CR-6099 | Availing of Leave for the purpose of LTS | |
06.11.2006 | 23/2006/CR-6098 | Administrative Instructions | |
19.10.2006 | 21/2006/CR-6078 | Revision in the limits of reimbursement for purchase of Briefcase / Leather bags by Officers | |
06.10.2006 | 20/2006/CR-6071 | Revision in lease rent limit for residential accomodation to various classes of employees | |
06.10.2006 | 19/2006/CR-6070 | Mileage Allowance on official tours undertaken by officers and other employees in their vehicle | |
22.08.2006 | 18/2006/CR-6055 | | |
22.08.2006 | 17/2006/CR-6054 | Stay of Officials in the Company's Guest House while on tour | |
22.06.2006 | 15/2006/CR-6039 | Permission to retain Company's flat / leased Residential Accomodation after transfer, at the previous place of posting | |
14.06.2006 | 14/2006/CR-6030 | Self Insurance/ Insurance of Assets by our employees | |
29.05.2006 | 13/2006/CR-6026 | Payment of DHA while on tours/training programmes involving Boarding/Lodging facility | |
15.05.2006 | TMP for Supervisory, Clerical & Subordinate Staff | ||
08.05.2006 | 12/2006/CR-6020 | Redetermination of categories under Group Mediclaim Policy consequent upon Wage Revision | |
09.05.2006 | 10/2006/CR-6018 | Benefit of continuity of past service in GIPSA Member Companies on direct recruitment in other GIPSA Member Companies | |
04.04.2006 | ------------------------ | Check-Off Exercise - 2006 | |
27.03.2006 | 09/2006/CR-6004 | Extension of Wage Revision benefits to Part-Time Employees of Company | |
27.03.2006 | 08/2006/CR-6003 | Revision in limits of Daily Halting Allowance(DHA) to officials while on tour | |
16.03.2006 | 07/2006/CR-6000 | Travel for official purpose - Availing on Tatkal Scheme by Indian Railway | |
06.03.2006 | 06/2006/CR-5998 | Revision in the rates of Special Area Allowance to Employees | |
02.03.2006 | 05/2006/CR-5997 | Reclassification of Basic Salary Ranges for eligibility of Class III/IV employees under Tour/Transfer benefits | |
24.02.2006 | 04/2006/CR-5993 | Wage Revision for Permanent Part Time Employees of the Company | |
20.02.2006 | 03/2006/CR-5990 | Selection of Candidate for PGDBM Course in MDI, Gurgaon | |
24.01.2006 | 01/2006/CR-5983 | Rate of premium loading applicable under Group Mediclaim Policy of our Employees for the period 01.04.2006 to 31.03.2007 | |
30.12.2005 | 20/2005/CR-5970 | Hours of Work, Holidays and Leave | |
27.12.2005 | 19/2005/CR-5968 | Administrative Instructions Class-III & IV | |
27.12.2005 | 18/2005/CR-5967 | Administrative Instructions Class-I | |
23.12.2005 | 7/2005/CR-5966 | Grant of Travelling Advance to Employees for Official Tours | |
26.12.2005 | 01/2005/CR-5965 | Change in Hours of Work, Holidays and Leave | |
28.11.2005 | 14/2005/CR-5955 | Stay of Officials in the Company's Guest House / Transit Camps | |
26.10.2005 | 12/2005/CR-5948 | Issue of No-Objection Certificate for obtaining passport | |
07.10.2005 | HO/Estab./ /2004-05/CR-5945 | Reimbursement of Car/Scooter Parking Charges | |
26.08.2005 | 11/2005/CR-5927 | Revision in the limits of reimbursement of lodging charges to officials while on tour | |
18.07.2005 | 09/2005/CR-5917 | Grant of Travelling Advance to Employees for Official Tours | |
13.03.2023 | CR-838 dated 18.07.1983 | Leave Travel Subsidy for Officers & Dev. Staff. Circular | |
13.03.2023 | CR-1966 dated 30.06.1987 | Leave Travel Subsidy to Officers Circular | |
13.03.2023 | CR-2074 dated 10.11.1987 | Settlement of LTS for promoted employees from Class III. Circular | |
13.03.2023 | CR-2618 dated 09.08.1989 | Leave Travel Subsidy to Supervisory, Clerical and Subordinate Staff. Circular | |
13.03.2023 | CR-2788 dated 21.11.1990 | Leave Travel Subsidy to Development Officers. Circular | |
13.03.2023 | CR-2790 dated 01.03.1990 | Leave Travel Subsidy to Officers. Circular | |
13.03.2023 | CR-2793 dated 02.03.1990 | Leave Travel Subsidy for officers - splitting up of the family in two units Circular | |
13.03.2023 | CR-2969 dated 30.08.1990 | Use of employee's own conveyance / hired conveyance for LTS. Circular | |
13.03.2023 | CR-2971 dated 30.09.1990 | Entitlement under LTS rules for children for travel by air. Circular | |
13.03.2023 | CR-2981 dated 03.09.1990 | LTS - nature and duration of leave. Circular | |
13.03.2023 | CR-3552 dated 22.07.1993 | LTS for officers posted in North Eastern Region. Circular | |
13.03.2023 | CR-3914 dated 21.06.1993 | Clarification on LTS rules. Circular | |
13.03.2023 | CR-4778 dated 22.02.1999 | Availing of LTS during notice period on seeking Voluntary Retirement. Circular | |
13.03.2023 | CR-5682 dated 18.11.2003 | LTS entitlment of officers promoted from Class III cadre. Circular | |
13.03.2023 | CR-6099 dated 20.11.2006 | Availing of leave for the purpose of LTS. Circular | |
10.03.2023 | CR-5074 dated 26/07/2000 | Changes regarding maternity leave provisions not exceeding 1RO days & 12 months in entire service, 6 weeks in cases of miscarrage, maximum 2 months adoptio. Leave special sick leave for cancer leprosy, T.B., Paralysis, Brain tumor, Cardiac ailment, kidney disease, AIDS and mental disease. Circular | |
10.03.2023 | CR-4392 dated 07/11/1996 | Permission to examination leave for appearing in MBA exam.. Circular | |
10.03.2023 | CR-4075 dated 09/11/1994 | Sanction of 14 days special leave for puerperal sterilistion to female employees in conjuction with maternity leave.. Circular | |
10.03.2023 | CR-3259 dated 23/04/1991 | Permission to leave headquarters. Circular | |
10.03.2023 | CR-3153 dated 17/01/1991 | Grant of short duration EL upto 2 occassions in normal course and beyond that by RM/Manager. Circular | |
10.03.2023 | CR-3151 dated 17/01/1991 | Special leave provision for attending insurance institute meetings to representatives of associate institutes. Circular | |
10.03.2023 | Ref No.- O-R/3/43/89 dated 25/07/1989 | Provisions of study leave abroad equally applicable for study leave within India. Circular | |
10.03.2023 | CR-2453 dated 19/01/1989 | Special area all not to be accounted for leave encashment. Circular | |
10.03.2023 | CR-1602 dated 02/05/1986 | Encashment of Earned Leave - Officers and Development Staff. Circular | |
10.03.2023 | CR-1005 dated 09/04/1984 | Accrual of Sick Leave Circular | |
10.03.2023 | CR-0720 dated 11/01/1983 | Special Leave on Blood donation. Circular | |
10.03.2023 | CR-5617 dated 18.06.2003 | Sharing of Hotel expenses whilst on tour between two Officials as per their eligibility. Circular | |
10.03.2023 | CR-4963 dated 14.12.1999 | Transfer benefits to Executives retiring and settling down outside the present place of posting. Circular | |
10.03.2023 | CR-4189 dated 07.07.1995 | Permission to employees to act as Defence Asstt. in the departmental proceedings in terms of Rule 25 of General Insurance CDA Rules 1975. Circular | |
10.03.2023 | CR-3387 dated 29.08.1991 | TA/DA on transfer. Circular | |
10.03.2023 | CR-3078 dated 21.11.1990 | Permission for second visit to an Officer on transfer. Circular | |
10.03.2023 | CR-2759 dated 02.02.1990 | Reimbursement of expenses of shifting to a retiring Officer while shifting in the same city Circular | |
10.03.2023 | CR-2477 dated 02.02.1989 | Reimbursement of breakfast charges - DHA to Class II, III & IV employees. Circular | |
10.03.2023 | CR-2363 dated 31.08.1988 | Payment of Incidental expenses and Local Conveyance to Officer on transfer. Circular | |
10.03.2023 | CR-2077 dated 11.11.1987 | TA/DA for Officers whilst on tour standard breakfast charges. Circular | |
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