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Date of Issue
Circular No.
13.03.2024 HO/TECHNO LEGAL/2023-24/CR-8633/331 Standard Operating Procedure for investigation of close proximity Motor Third Party claims
21.11.2023 HO/Techno-Legal/23-24/8613 Circular No.8613 dated 21.11.2023 : Handling of Cheque Dishonour Cases before Court.
13.06.2023 HO/Techno-Legal/329/2023-24/CR-8590 Advocate & Investigator Fee Schedule 2023
01.03.2023 HO/Techno-Legal/328/2022-23/CR-8557 Modification in compromise manual of TP and formation of LHIC
12.12.2022 HO/Techno-Legal/327/2022/CR-8538 Performance Appraisal of Advocates & Investigators 2022
01.03.2022 HO/Techno-Legal/326/2021-22/CR-8487 Re-organisation of Suit claim
03.01.2022 HO/Techno-Legal/325/2022/CR-8475 Nodal Officers for Ombundsman Offices
08.12.2021 HO/Motor/TP/324/2021-22/CR-8462 Compliance of SC Order in WP 534/2020 Bajaj Vs. Union of India and Nomination of Nodal Officers for MACT
04.01.2021 HO/Techno-Legal/2020-21/1/CR-8383 Outstanding Provision for Consumer/Arbitration Cases
28.11.2020 HO/Motor/TP/323/2020-21/CR-8384 Delay in settlement of MACT awards
25.04.2019 HO/Motor/TP/322/2019-20/CR-8250 Taxi facility to employees for visiting outstation centes to handle Motor TP claims
01.03.2019 HO/Motor/TP/321/2018-19/CR-8229 Compromise manual of Motor TP claim (Conciliatory Mechanism)
27.02.2019 HO/Motor/TP/320/2018-19/CR-8223 PA & Owner Driver claims
27.02.2019 HO/Motor/TP/319/2018-19/CR-8222 Handling of High Court & SCDRC cases
30.01.2019 HO/Motor/TP/318/2018-19/CR-8216 Empanelment and Performance appraisal of Advocates & Investigators
12.04.2018 HO/Motor/TP/317/2018-19/CR-8165 Handling of execution orders
28.08.2017 HO/Motor/TP/316/2017-18/CR-8095 Revision of FA for settlement of MACT claims and Compromise in LA
15.05.2017 HO/Motor/TP/315/2017-18/CR-8071 Delay in settlement of Motor TP claims
21.02.2017 HO/Motor/TP/314/2016-17/CR-8042 Revision of FA for settlement of MACT claims and Compromise in LA
03.08.2015 HO/Legal/CONS/313/2015/CR-7012 Revision of FA for settlement of MACT claims and Compromise in LA
16.03.2015 HO/Legal/ARB/312/2014-15/CR-6985 Dealing with cases where Notice for Arbitration is Received after Full and Final Discharge
02.02.2015 HO/Motor/TP/311/2015/CR-6975 Motor TP Files being sent to Head Office for Appeal/Approvals etc.
11.12.2014 HO/Motor/TP/3/2014/CR-6957 Motor TP Files being sent to Head Office for Appeal/Approvals etc.
01.04.2014 HO/Motor/TP/2/2014/CR-6892 Revision in Advocates/Investigators fees wef 1st April 2014
18.03.2014 HO/Motor/TP/1/2014/CR-6882 Revision of Financial Authority for Compromise Settlement through Lok Adalat
18.11.2013 HO/Motor/TP/307/2013-2014/CR-6846 Instructions for attending Mega Lok Adalat on 23.11.2013
15.07.2013 Legal Deptt.'s Office Memo TP Claim Handling 15.07.13
02.01.2013 HO/Motor/TP/305/2012-13/CR-6765 Amended guidelines for placing claims in Lok Adalat
31.05.2012 HO/Motor/TP/295/2011-12/CR-6709 Guidelines for Lok Adalat Settlement
23.09.2011 HO/Motor/397/2011-12/CR-6651 Delay in Payment of MACT Cases because of Non Confirmation of Sec 64 VB bt Policy Issuing offices due to destruction of old records or Non Availability of Old Records
23.09.2011 HO/Motor/UW/296/2011-12/CR-6650 Policy on Empanelment/Appointment and Review of Performance OF Advocates & Investigators
09.11.2010 HO/Motor/TP/291/2010-11/CR-6567 Discrepencies in Advocates/Investigators Fees Payment
27.11.2009 HO/Mot/UW/283/2008-09/CR-6474 Withdrawal of Defence at Tribunal (on the ground of Liability in respect of occupant of Private Car and Pillion Rider in a Two Wheeler under Standard Motor Package Policy
25.11.2009 HO/Mot/UW/282/2008-09/CR-6473 Liability of Insurance Companies in respect of occupants in a Private Car and Pillion Rider in a two Wheeler under standard Motor Package Policy (Also called Comprehensive Policy)
04.03.2009 HO/Motor/TP/279/2008-09/CR-6398 Revision in Advocates/Investigators fees wef 01.01.2009
04.02.2009 HO/Motor/TP/278/2008-19/CR-6390 Handling of Third Party Claims
22.01.2008 HO/Motor/TP/264/2007-08/CR-6263 Delay in settlement of court award and pay and recover cases
14.07.2008 HO/Motor/Solatium Fund/271/2008-09/CR-6316 Administration of Solatium Fund
12.12.2007 HO/Motor/TP/261/2007-08/CR-6242 Supreme Court judgement OIC Vs Chandra relating to unauthorised passenger in goods vehicle
01.11.2007 HO/Motor/TP/260/2007-08/CR-6233 Revision of out of pocket expenses to officers for atending Lok Adalats/Conciliatory proceedings on Holidays
25.10.2007 HO/Motor/TP/259/2007-08/CR-6230 Investigation of Close Proximity Cases
12.09.2007 HO/Motor/TP/257/2007-08/CR-6220 TP Liability- overloading of vehicles
16.05.2007 HO/Motor/249/2007-08/CR-6181 Insurance liability for persons travelling on a tractor
30.04.2007 HO/Motor/248/2007-08/CR-6178 Filing of policy document in legal cases
16.04.2007 HO/Motor/247/2007-08/CR-6174 Insurer liability under the MV act OIC Vs Meena Variyal
12.04.2007 HO/Motor/246/2007-08/CR-6173 Review of MACT Claims
04.04.2007 HO/Motor/245/2007-08/CR-6171 Outstanding Provision for Motor Claims
18.07.2006 HO/Motor/CF/224/2006-07/CR-6043 Effective Handling of Consumer Cases
18.07.2005 HO/Motor/TP/209/2005-06/CR-5915 Unauthorised passengers in goods vehicle Supreme Court Judgement in NIC Vs Bomitri Subbayamma
17.02.2005 HO/Motor/Consumer/202/2004-05/CR-5861 Guidelines for effective handling of consumer cases
14.01.2005 HO/Motor/TP/199/2004-05/CR-5849 Motor TP claims management and provisioning
06.08.2004 HO/Motor/TP/195/2004-05/CR-5777 Interest on Court Cases
08.12.2003 HO/Motor/TP/183/2003-04/CR-5689 Driver does not have driving licence No liability of insurance company judgement of civil appeal No 16/3/96 Before Supreme court
01.10.2023 HO/Motor/TP/177/2003-04/CR-5661 1) Permission U/s 170 Of Motor Vehicle Act 2) jurisdiction under the insurance ombudsman scheme CR No 5658
23.09.2003 HO/Motor/TP/176/2003-04/CR-5657 Impleading owner and Insurer of other vehicle in a case where two or more vehicle are involved in the accident
22.05.2003 HO/Motor/166/2003-04/CR-5605 Rcovery By the Insurance comopany form the insured U/s 174 of Motor Vehicle Act
21.03.2003 HO/Motor/160/2003/CR-5570 Supreme court judgement on limited liability OIC Vs Kuntes Garg
06.01.2003 HO/Motor/157/2003/CR-5448 Interest payable on third party Claim
06.12.2004 HO/AGM(TECH)/46/2004/CR-5288 Revision of Fees For Advocate/Investigators Cheques Effective From 1-11-2004
03.12.2004 HO/AGM(Tech)/46/2004/CR-5228 Revision of Fees for Advocates/Investigators
07.02.2005 HO/Motor/200/2004-05/CR-5856 Provision for Outstanding Claims as on 31.03.2005
10.10.1997 HO/Motor/129/1997/4547 Revision in Scale of Fees payable to Advocate for handing MACT Cases
21.02.1991 HO/Motor/40/1991/3194 Compliance Of Section 64VB Act
15.05.1989 HO/Motor/21/1989/2542 Carrying Of Passengers In Goods Carrying Vehicles Liability of Insurance Company In Respect Of Own Damage And Third Party Claims