131. SBICAP-Disclosure under Regulation 51 of SEBI(LODR)-Change in Management- Cessation of Directorship of Shri P Nayak & S.

130. NSE-Disclosure under Regulation 51 of SEBI(LODR)-Change in Management- Cessation of Directorship of Shri P Nayak & Shri.

129.SBICAP- Submission of Financial Statements for FY 2019-20.

128. NSE- Submission of Financial Statements for FY 2019-20.

127.SBICAP- Intimation of Board Meeting under regulation 50(3) of SEBI LODR.

126. NSE- Intimation of Board Meeting under regulation 50(3) of SEBI LODR .

120. Intimation to SBI CAP-BM on 29.08.2020 .

119. NSE intimation of BM on 29.08.2020.

118. SBICAP- Information pursuant to Regulation 51 SEBI LODR- Cessation of Directorship Shri Rajkiran Rai G .

117. NSE- Information pursuant to Regulation 51 SEBI LODR- Cessation of Directorship Shri Rajkiran Rai G .

116. SBICAP- Information pursuant to Regulation 51 SEBI LODR- Appointment of Director Shri Ch. S. S. Mallikarjuna Rao (1) .

115. SBICAP- Information pursuant to Regulation 51 SEBI LODR- Appointment of Director Shri Ch. S. S. Mallikarjuna Rao (2) .

114. SBICAP- Disclosure under Regulation 51 of SEBI(LODR)-Change in Management-Appointment of Mrs S N Rajeswari as CMD .

113. NSE Intimation of Appointment of Mrs. S. N. Rajeswari as CMD .

112. SBI CAP- Intimation o f Outcome of BM held on 28.07.2020 at Short Notice .

111. NSE Intimation of outcome of BM held on 28.07.2020 .

110.SBICAP- Disclosure under Regulation 50(3) of SEBI(LODR)-Short Notice of Board Meeting at 28th July 2020 .

109. NSE intimation of BM on 28.07.2020 .

108. SBICAP- Submission of Statement of Investor's Complaints as per Regulation 13(3) SEBI(LODR)- For Qurter ended 30th June .

107.0NSE- Statement of Investor Grievances for qtr ended 30.06.2020 .

102. SBICAP-Disclosure under Regulation 50(3) of SEBI(LODR)- Notice of Board Meeting at 29th May 2020 .

101. NSE- Intimation of Board Meeting under Regulation 50(3) of SEBI LODR Regulation 2015- 29.05.2020 .

100. Letter to SBICAP - Disclosure of Compensation arrangement 2020 .

99. Half yearly return-NSE.

98. SBICAP- Receipt & Noting of Information by DTA as on 31 March 2020.

97. Certificate to NSE - Receipt & Noting of Information by DTA 31.3.2020.

96. NSE - undertaking of compliance of SEBI circular of 27May2019.

95. SBICAP - No materila deviation in use of proceeds - 31.3.2020.

94. SBICAP - Statement of Investor Complaints - qtr ended 31st March 2020.

93. SBICAP - RTA certificate for HY ended 31st March 2020.

92. SBICAP - Review of Credit Rating by ICRA- March 2020.

91. SBICAP - Calender of Interst and redemptions - FY 2020-21.

90. NSE -Statement of Investor Complaints - qtr ended 31st March 2020.

89. NSE - RTA certificate for HY ended 31st March 2020.

88. NSE - -Review of Credit Rating by ICRA - March 2020.

87. NSE - No material deviations in use of NCD Proceeds.

86. SBICAP- Intimation under Regulation 57(1) of SEBI LODR Regulation 2015- Certificate of payment of Coupon on 18th March 2.

85. NSE- Intimation of under Regulation 57(1) of SEBI LODR Regulation 2015- Certificate of payment of Coupon on 18th March .

84. SBICAP- Intimation of Cancellation of Board Meeting of 18th March 2020 under Regulation 50(3) of SEBI LODR Regulation 20.

83. NSE- Intimation of Cancellation of Board Meeting of 18th March 2020 under Regulation 50(3) of SEBI LODR Regulation 2015.

82. SBICAP- Intimation of Outcome of Board Meeting under Regulation 51(2)Schedule III Part B (14b) of SEBI LODR Regulation 2.

81. NSE- Intimation of Outcome of Board Meeting under Regulation 51(2)Schedule III Part B (14b) of SEBI LODR Regulation 2015.

80. SBICAP- Disclosure under Regulation 50(3) of SEBI(LODR)-Short Notice of Board Meeting at 6th March 2020.

79. NSE- Intimation of Board Meeting at short notice under Regulation 50(3) of SEBI LODR Regulation 2015- 6th March 2020.

78. SBICAP- Disclosure under Regulation 50(3) of SEBI(LODR)-Notice of Board Meeting at 18th February 2010.

77. NSE- Intimation of Board Meeting under Regulation 50(3) of SEBI LODR Regulation 2015- 18.03.2020.

76. SBICAP- Information pursuant to Regulation 51 SEBI LODR- Review of Credit Rating CRISIL.

75. NSE- Information pursuant to regulation 51 SEBI LODR- Review of Credit Rating of CRISIL.

74. SBICAP - Intimation of BM scheduled for 31.12.2019.

73. NSE Intimation of BM on 21.02.2020.

72. SBICAP- Intimation of Record Date and Payment Date of Interest pursuant to 60(2) & 50(1) of SEBI LODR.

71. NSE- Intimation of Record Date and Payment Date of Interest pursuant to 60(2) & 50(1) of SEBI LODR.

70.SBI CAP intimation of Board meeting (at Short Notice) scheduled for 17.01.2020.

69.Intimation for bm on 17.01.2020 at short notice.

68. SBI CAP -Quarterly Compliance Period 1st October to 31st December 2019.

67. SBICAP- Submission of Statement of Investor's Complaints as per Regulation 13(3) SEBI(LODR)- For Qurter ended 31st Decem.

66. SBICAP- Disclosure under Regulation 30 of SEBI(LODR)-Change in Management-Cessation of Directorship of Ms Mudita Mishra.

65. SBICAP- Disclosure under Regulation 30 of SEBI(LODR)-Change in Management-Appointment of Government Nominee Director Ms .

64. NSE-Disclosure under Regulation 30 of SEBI(LODR)-Change in Management- Cessation of Directorship of Ms Mudita Mishra.

63. NSE-Disclosure under Regulation 30 of SEBI(LODR)-Change in Management- Appointment of Ms Anindita Sinharay as Director.

62. NSE- Submission of Statement of Investor's Complaints as per Regulation 13(3) SEBI(LODR)- For Qurter ended 31st December.

61.SBICAP HalfYearly Return (Updated & Modified) for 1st April to 30th Sept 2019.

60. SBICAP Quarterly Return (Updated & Modified) As on 30Th Sept 2019.

59.SBICAP-Colour- Compliance persuant to Regulation 33(3) SEBI (LODR)- Approval of Audited Financial Result for HY 2019-20.

58.NSE Financials.

57. SBICAP- Disclosure under Regulation 50(3) of SEBI(LODR)-Notice of Board Meeting at 15th November 2019.

56. NSE intimation of bm15112019.

55.SBICAP- Disclosure under Regulation 50(3) of SEBI(LODR)-Notice of Board Meeting at 1st November 2019.

54. NSE-Disclosure under Regulation 50(3) of SEBI(LODR)-Notice of Board Meeting-1st November 2019.

53. SBICAP-Disclosure under Regulation 30 of SEBI(LODR)-Change in Management- Cessation of Directorship Sh Mukesh Kumar Jain.

52. SBICAP-Disclosure under Regulation 30 of SEBI(LODR)-Change in Management- Appointment of Sh Rajkiran Rai G as Director.

51. NSE-Disclosure under Regulation 30 of SEBI(LODR)-Change in Management- Cessation of Directorship Sh Mukesh Kumar Jain.

50. NSE-Disclosure under Regulation 30 of SEBI(LODR)-Change in Management- Appointment of Sh Rajkiran Rai G as Director.

49. SBICAP- Quarterly Compliance 30th Sept 2019.

48. SBICAP- Half Yearly Return under Circular IMD-DF-1-67-2017 for 30th Sept 2019.

47. SBICAP- Half Yearly Compliance 30th Sept 2019.

46. SBICAP Certificate of RTA.

45. SBICAP- Statement of Material Deviation- 52-7 SEBI LODR-For 30th Sept 2019.

44. NSE - RTA Certificate for the period ended 30.09.2019.

43. NSE- HY Return under Circular IMD-DF-1-67-2017- for HY ended 30.09.2019.

42. NSE- Statement of Material Deviation as per Regulation 52(7) of SEBI -Regulation 2015- For the HY ended 30th September .

41. SBICAP- Submission of Statement of Investor's Complaints as per Regulation 13(3) SEBI(LODR)- For Qurter ended 30th Septe.

40. NSE - Stmt of investor complaints 30092019.

39. SBICAP- Compliance persuant to SEBI Circular Ref SEBI-HO-MIRDS-DOS3-CIR-P-2019-68- Updated List of Debenture Holders fo.

38. SBICAP- Disclosure under Regulation 50(3) of SEBI(LODR)-Notice of Board Meeting at 30th September 2019.

37. NSE- Intimation of Board Meeting under Regulation 50(3) of SEBI LODR Regulation 2015- 30.09.2019.

36.SBI Cap – Intimation of board meeting scheduled for 16.09.2019.

35.NSE – Intimation of board meeting scheduled for 16.09.2019.

34. SBI CAP – Updated list of Debenture holders as on 31.08.2019.

33.SBICAp – Intimation to NSE for Board Meeting scheduled for 23rd August 2019.

32.NSE- Notice for Board Meeting scheduled for 23rd August 2019.

31. SBICAP- Compliance persuant to SEBI Circular Ref SEBI-HO-MIRDS-DOS3-CIR-P-2019-68- Updated List of Debenture Holders.

30. Submission of quarterly compliance for the period form 1st April 2019 to 30th June 2019 with regard to the NCD aggregating to Rs.750 crores.

29. SBICAP- Compliance persuant to SEBI Circular Ref SEBI-HO-MIRDS-DOS3-CIR-P-2019-68- Updated List of Debenture Holders

28. SBICAP- Submission of Statement of Investor's Complaints as per Regulation 13(3) SEBI(LODR)- For Qurter ended 30th June

27b. 2019Jul2424_Debt_Acknowledgment

27a. NSE Submission of Statement of Investors Complaints as per Regulation 13 sub section 3 SEBI LODR For Quarter ended 30t

26.SBICAP- Undertaking Pursuant to Regulation 57(2) of SEBI -LODR 2015- Certificate to Debenture Trustee- For the FY ended

25.NSE- Undertaking Pursuant to Regulation 57(2) of SEBI -LODR 2015- Certificate to Debenture Trustee- For the FY ended 31s

24.SBICAP- Submission of Half Yearly Compliance from 1st October to 31st March 2019-Updated with Auditors Certificate

23.SBICAP- Submission of Quarterly Compliance from 1st january to 31st March 2019-Updated with Auditors Certificate

22. NSE Compliance Pursuant to SEBI Circular Ref SEBI-HO-MIRDS-DOS3-CIR-P-2019-68 dated 27th May 2019 for May 2019

21.SBICAP- Compliance Pursuant to SEBI Circular Ref SEBI-HO-MRDS-DOS3-CIR-P-2019-68- Updated List of Debentures Holders for the month ending 31.05.2019

20.SBICAP- Compliance Pursuant to SEBI Circular Ref SEBI-HO-MRDS-DOS3-CIR-P-2019-68- Calendar of interest & Redemption for FY 2019-20

19.SBICAP- Compliance Pursuant to SEBI Circular Ref SEBI-HO-MRDS-DOS3-CIR-P-2019-68-Disclosure of Compensation Arrangement

18(C)- SBICAP- Compliance pursuant to Regulation 33(3) SEBI(LODR)- Approval of Audited Financial Result ( Consolidated) for FY 2019-19

18(B)-NSE- Compliance pursuant to Regulation 33(3) SEBI(LODR)- Approval of Audited Financial Result ( Consolidated) for FY 2019-19

18(A)- Consolidated Financial Statement for FY 2018-19 of OICL Final

17(C).SBICAP- Compliance persuant to Regulation 33(3) SEBI (LODR)- Approval of Audited Financial Result for FY 2018-19

17(B).NSE- Compliance persuant to Regulation 33(3) SEBI (LODR)- Approval of Audited Financial Result for FY 2018-19

17(A). Standalone Financial Statement of OICL for FY ended on 31.03.2019

16. Disclosure under Regulation 51 of SEBI(LODR)-Review of Credit Rating by ICRA

15. Disclosure under Regulation 50(3) of SEBI(LODR)-Notice of Board Meeting

14.Compliance -Regulation 30 of SEBI(LODR)- Cessation of Directorship of Dr N Srinivasa Rao

13.Compliance -Regulation 30 of SEBI(LODR)- Appointment of Shri Lalit Kumar Chandel as Government Nominee Director

12.NSE- Disclosure of Large Corporate- Annexure 1

11.Compliance - Reg 30-Cessation of Directorship of Shri Balwant Singh

10.Compliance -Reg 7(3)- Compliance certificate (RTA & Compliance Officer)-Half Year ended 31.032019

09.SBICAP Trustee-Half Yearly Compliance as on 31st March 2019

08.SBICAP Trustee- Quarterly Compliance as on 31st March 2019

07.Disclosure under Regulation 52(7)- Statement of Material Deviation as on 31st March 2019

06.Scores-Quarter ended 31St March 2019

05.Compliance –SEBI Circular No. CIR-DF-1-67-2017- For Half year ended 31.03.209

04.Initial credit rating (Subordinated Debt) by ICRA

03.Initial credit rating (Subordinated Debt) by CRISIL

02.Details of contact person handling investor Grievance

01.Name and contact details of Debenture trustee